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PCB Simulation Technology


Design Result Simulation Technique


Optimized the characteristics of the short-term developed high specification load board & system PCB product.
(reduced time resulting from revision)
Operating a prior characteristic verification system for high specification PCB[High Speed, High Current, Low Valtage]
Operating a prior verification system for mechanism design.

* Cadence Sigrity - Simulation Software
  Software capable of verifying characteristics
  before manufacturing through a simulation of
  the high multi layer design

Solidworks 2015 Primium : Mechanism
  Software capable of verifying characteristics before
  manufacturing through a mechanism simulation

>> PowerSI
>> PowerDC
>> Speed2000
>> SystemSI & System Explorer
>> System Explorer

>> MS [Mechanism Simulation]
  * Solidworks Simulation
  * Solidworks Motion


Cadence Sigrity Simulation


>> Sigrity PowerSI [Signal Intergrity]

  • Detail Fuction
    • Evaluates electromagnetic coupling between Layer to enable better component, via, and decap placement.
    • Extracts frequency-dependent S, Z, and Y parameters for package & board modeling for subsequent time domain SSN simulation
    • Assesses decoupling capacitor strategies and verifies placement effects.


>> Sigrity PowerDC

  • Detail Fuction
    • Pinpoints IR drop and voltage distribution issues
    • Locates current hotspots that can lead to reliability problems
    • Identifies difficult-to-locate highly resistive routing neck-downs and finds the one via among thousands that will fail under stress
    • Determines if it is possible to reduce plane layers without adding DC or thermal reliability risk


>> Sigrity Speed2000

  • Detail Fuction
    • Performs time domain analysis to confirm that designs meet specified target spec
    • Understands complex voltage noise propagation including return path discontinuities
    • Assesses various decoupling capacitor implementations
    • Determines the impact of variations in stack-up, plane geometries, and I/O configurations
    • Observes where noise is generated, identifies how it propagates, and determines if it stays within targeted levels


>> Sigrity SystemSI

  • Detail Fuction
    • SystemSI Parallel Bus Analysis
    • SystemSI Serial Link Analysis


Design Result Simulation Technique

  • In-depth analysis of design results by utilizing an integrated simulation solution
  • Nonlinear analysis of design
    • - Analysis of modification effect by overload, contact, flexible material quality.
    • - After the yielding of the material quality, the remaining stress of the meterial quality and permanent medication are confirmed.
    • - Analysis of superelastic material quality such as rubber, silicon and other elastic syntheses.
    • - Confirmation of the creep effect and material quality change due to temperature.
  • Conducted dynamic analysis on the part and assembly
    • - Time history, normal Status Harmony, simulation on response spectrum and arbitrary vibration excitation.
    • - Shock analysis using the nonlinear dynamic function.
  • Composite simulation
    • - Multilayer composite part analysis to confirm the effect of lary quality, thickness and direction on product performance.